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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - wind


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Перевод с английского языка wind на русский


1) ветер

2) ураган; шторм

3) поток воздуха || обдувать

4) двигаться по спирали или по окружности

5) намотка; сматывание || наматывать(ся); сматывать(ся)

6) перемотка || перематывать

7) виток; оборот || навивать(ся); оборачивать(ся)

8) поворот; изгиб || поворачивать(ся); изгибать(ся)

9) духовой музыкальный инструмент; pl. духовые (в оркестре) || играть на духовом музыкальном инструменте

A windacoustical windB windback windbackward windelectric windelectron windfast windforward windionospheric windoxide-in windoxide-out-windpolar windprecision windsolar windsound windstellar wind

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  • 1) дуть; 2) обдувать• ветер ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  up  а) сматывать;  б) заводить (часы);  в) заводиться; Im afraid hes wound up ну, он теперь завелся (на час); теперь его не остановишь;  г) подтягивать (дисциплину);  д) взвинчивать;  е) кончать;  ж) уладить, разрешить (вопрос); закончить (прения); заключить (выступление);  з) ликвидировать (предприятие и т.п.) WIND I  1. noun  1) ветер; fair (strong) wind - попутный (сильный) ветер; wind and weather - непогода; before/down the wind - по ветру; in the winds eye, in the teeth of the wind - прямо против ветра; close to (или near) the wind -  а) naut. в крутой бейдевинд;  б) на грани порядочности или пристойности, на скользком пути; like the wind - быстро, как ветер, стремительно; to take the wind out of ones sails -  а) naut. отнять ветер;  б) выбить почву из-под ног; поставить в безвыходное положение; помешать  2) ток воздуха (напр. в органе), воздушная струя  3) запах, дух  4) (the wind) духовые инструменты  5) дыхание; to get/recover ones wind - отдышаться; to lose wind - запыхаться; he has a bad wind - он страдает одышкой; second wind -  а) sport второе дыхание;  б) спокойствие и уверенность; to fetch ones second wind - оправиться, справиться с последствиями; прийти в себя  6) пустые слова; вздор; his speech was wind - его речь была бессодержательна  7) слух; намек; there is smth. in the wind -  а) в воздухе что-то...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ветер strong wind —- сильный ветер fair (favourable) wind —- попутный (благоприятный) ветер adverse (contrary, head, foul) wind —- встречный (противный) ветер cardinal winds —- ветры четырех главных направлений (дующие с севера, запада, юга или востока) dead wind —- встречный (лобовой) ветер the windwas dead against us —- ветер дул нам прямо в лицо before (down, with) the wind —- по ветру; с попутным ветром up (into, on) the wind —- против ветра in the eye (in the teeth) of the wind, in the wind's eye —- прямо против ветра off the wind —- спиной к ветру; мор. попутным ветром, на фордевинд by the wind —- мор. по ветру, на бейдевинд wind falls —- ветер стихает a breath (a waft) of wind —- легкий порыв ветра; дуновение ветерка a gust (a blast) of wind —- порыв ветра to have the wind in one's face —- идти против ветра; идти трудным путем to gain the wind —- мор. выиграть ветер to get the wind —- мор. выйти на ветер 2. ток воздуха, воздушная струя the wind of a passing train —- воздушная струя от проходящего поезда 3. запах to get (to catch, to have) (the) wind of —- почуять; узнать, пронюхать the deer got wind of the hunter —- олени почуяли охотника he got wind of my plans —- он прослышал о моих планах the dogs are keeping the wind —- собаки идут по следу within wind of —- на близком расстоянии (от дичи) 4. слух, намек there is something in the wind —- в воздухе что-то носится, что-то готовится...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  гл. ликвидировать (фирму, компанию) - by the wind - wind cadaster - wind up WIND CADASTER сущ. кадастр ветров, ветровой кадастр ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вентилировать 2) ветер 3) ветровой 4) ветряной 5) ветряный 6) виток 7) виться 8) воздушная струя 9) дутье 10) завести 11) заводить 12) заматывать 13) змеиться 14) мотать 15) навивать 16) навить 17) наматывать 18) намотать 19) обдувать 20) оборот 21) поток 22) провентилировать bearing of an apparent wind — направление ветра counter trade wind — метео антипассат illuminated wind indicator — светящийся ветроуказатель offend the wind shape — нарушить обтекаемость swing windwheel out of wind — выводить ветроколесо из-под ветра take off down the wind — взлетать по ветру take off into the wind — взлетать против ветра turn into wind — разворачиваться против ветра wind coils touching — наматывать витки вплотную wind speed indicator — мор. ветрочет wind tunnel model — модель для продувок wind turbine electro-generator — ветровой электрический агрегат - acoustical wind - bow wind - cross wind - favoring wind - force of wind - geostrophic wind - head wind - into the wind - katabatic wind - near-water wind - off-shore wind - on-shore wind - solar wind - storm wind - tail wind - thermal wind - tropospheric wind - veering of wind - wind around - wind board - wind box - wind brace - wind cap - wind chamber - wind charger - wind clock - wind cone - wind drum - wind energetics - wind erosion - wind force - wind indicator - wind moment - wind motor - wind pressure - wind rudder - wind shear - wind shutter - wind tie - wind tunnel - wind turbine - wind up spring - with the wind ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) намотка; наматывать 2) ветер – electron wind – forward wind – ionic wind – solar wind ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ветер out of wind extreme wind high wind hurricane wind ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) ветер; поток [струя] воздуха дуть; обдувать 2) метал. дутьё 3) вентилировать 4) виток навивать 5) намотка наматывать 6) обмотка обматывать 7) перемотка перематывать 8) поднимать (груз) лебёдкой wind gusted to... — ветер порывами достигал скорости... - Awind - adverse wind - ageostrophic wind - aloft wind - anabatic wind - atmospheric tidal wind - avalanche wind - B wind - backward wind - back wind - baffling wind - cloud-drift wind - cloud wind - cross wind - cyclostrophic wind - dead wind - destructive wind - down wind - dry hot wind - dry wind - electric wind - electron wind - fast wind - forecast wind - forward wind - geostrophic wind - glacier wind - gradient wind - gravity wind - hard wind - head wind - katabatic wind - local wind - low-level wind - offshore wind - onshore wind - oxide-in wind - oxide-out wind - precision wind - prevailing wind - random wind - reported wind - resultant wind - right cross wind - right quartering head wind - right quartering tail wind - satellite-derived wind - satellite wind - solar wind - spot wind - subgeostrophic wind - subgradient wind - supergeostrophic wind - supergradient wind - tail wind - thermal wind - trade wind - true wind - unpredicted wind - unrecognized wind - upper-level wind ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a air in more or less rapid natural motion, esp. from an area of high pressure to one of low pressure. b a current of wind blowing from a specified direction or otherwise defined (north wind; contrary wind). 2 a breath as needed in physical exertion or in speech. b the power of breathing without difficulty while running or making a similar continuous effort (let me recover my wind). c a spot below the centre of the chest where a blow temporarily paralyses breathing. 3 mere empty words; meaningless rhetoric. 4 gas generated in the bowels etc. by indigestion; flatulence. 5 a an artifically produced current of air, esp. for sounding an organ or other wind instrument. b air stored for use or used as a current. c the wind instruments of an orchestra collectively (poor balance between wind and strings). 6 a scent carried by the wind, indicating the presence or proximity of an animal etc. --v.tr. 1 exhaust the wind of by exertion or a blow. 2 renew the wind of by rest (stopped to wind the horses). 3 make breathe quickly and deeply by exercise. 4 make (a baby) bring up wind after feeding. 5 detect the presence of by a scent. 6 (past and past part. winded or wound) poet. sound (a bugle or call) by blowing. Phrases and idioms before the wind helped by the wind's force. between wind and water at a vulnerable point. close to (or near) the wind 1 sailing as nearly against the wind as is consistent with using its force. 2 colloq. verging on indecency or dishonesty. get wind of 1 smell out. 2 begin to suspect; hear a rumour of. get (or have) the wind up colloq. be alarmed or frightened. how (or which way) the wind blows (or lies) 1 what is the state of opinion. 2 what developments are likely. in the wind happening or about to happen. in the wind's eye directly against the wind. like the wind swiftly. off the wind Naut. with the wind on the quarter. on a wind Naut. against a wind on either bow. on the wind (of a sound or scent) carried by the wind. put the wind up colloq. alarm or frighten. take wind be rumoured;...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German wint ~, Latin ventus, Greek aenai to blow, Sanskrit vati it blows  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally  b. an artificially produced movement of air  c. solar ~, stellar ~  2.  a. a destructive force or influence  b. a force or agency that carries along or influences ; tendency, trend withstood the ~s of popular opinion — Felix Frankfurter  3.  a. breath 4a  b. breath 2a  c. the pit of the stomach ; solar plexus  4. gas generated in the stomach or the intestines pass ~  5.  a. compressed air or gas  b. archaic air  6. something that is insubstantial: as  a. mere talk ; idle words  b. nothing, nothingness  c. vain self-satisfaction  7.  a. air carrying a scent (as of a hunter or game)  b. slight information especially about something secret ; intimation got ~ of the plan  8.  a. musical ~ instruments especially as distinguished from strings and percussion  b. plural players of ~ instruments  9.  a. a direction from which the ~ may blow ; a point of the compass; especially one of the cardinal points  b. the direction from which the ~ is blowing  • ~less adjective  • ~lessly adverb  II. Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to detect or follow by scent  2. to expose to the air or ~ ; dry by exposing to air  3. to make short of breath  4. to regulate the ~ supply of (an organ pipe)  5. to rest (as a horse) in order to allow the breath to be recovered  intransitive verb  1. to scent game  2. dialect to pause for breath  III. verb  (~ed or wound; ~ing)  Etymology: 1~  Date: 1586  transitive verb  1. to cause (as a horn) to sound by blowing ; blow  2. to sound (as a call or note) on a horn wound a rousing call — R. L. Stevenson  intransitive verb to produce a sound on a horn  IV. verb  (wound; also ~ed; ~ing)...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]AIR (winds, winding, winded) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A wind is a current of air that is moving across the earth’s surface. There was a strong wind blowing... The leaves rustled in the wind... N-VAR 2. Journalists often refer to a trend or factor that influences events as a wind of a particular kind. The winds of change are blowing across the country... N-COUNT: N of n 3. If you are winded by something such as a blow, the air is suddenly knocked out of your lungs so that you have difficulty breathing for a short time. He was winded and shaken... The cow stamped on his side, winding him. VERB: be V-ed, V n 4. Wind is the air that you sometimes swallow with food or drink, or gas that is produced in your intestines, which causes an uncomfortable feeling. N-UNCOUNT 5. The wind section of an orchestra or band is the group of people who produce musical sounds by blowing into their instruments. ADJ: ADJ n 6. If someone breaks wind, they release gas from their intestines through their anus. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you get wind of something, you hear about it, especially when someone else did not want you to know about it. (INFORMAL) I don’t want the public, and especially not the press, to get wind of it at this stage. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n 8. If you sail close to the wind, you take a risk by doing or saying something that may get you into trouble. Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution. PHRASE: V inflects 9. to throw caution to the wind: see caution II. [c red]TURNING OR WRAPPING (winds, winding, wound) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If a road, river, or line of people winds in a particular direction, it goes in that direction with a lot of bends or twists in it. The Moselle winds through some 160 miles of tranquil countryside... The convoy wound its way through the West Bank. ...a narrow winding road. VERB: V...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »AIR« moving air, especially when it moves strongly or quickly in a current  (a 70-mile-an-hour wind | branches swaying in the wind | the wind blows)  (A gentle wind was blowing through the trees. | strong/high winds)  (The forecast is for strong winds and heavy rain. | a gust of wind (=a short strong wind))  (A sudden gust of wind blew the door shut. | east/west/north/south wind (=coming from the east etc) | a gentle/soft/light wind)  (A soft wind teased a tendril of her hair. | a bitter/chill/biting wind (=a very cold wind) | the wind is up/gets up (=blows more strongly) | the wind drops (=blows less strongly))  (We'll wait till the wind drops before we put the tent up.)  (- see also headwind) 2 get/have wind of informal to hear or find out about something secret or private, especially if you learn it accidentally or unofficially  (Jeremy, I don't want that reporter getting wind of this.) 3 »BREATH« your ability to breathe without difficulty  (get your wind (back) (=be able to breathe normally again, for example after running) | knock the wind out of (=hit someone in the stomach so that they cannot breathe for a moment))  (- see also second wind, windpipe) 4 take the wind out of sb's sails informal to make someone lose their confidence, especially by saying or doing something unexpected 5 see which way the wind is blowing to find out what the situation is before you do something or make a decision 6 be in the wind used to say that something is happening or going to happen, but not many people know what it is 7 the winds of change/freedom/public opinion etc events and changes that have started to happen and will have important effects, and that cannot be stopped 8 get the wind up/put the wind up sb BrE informal to become anxious or frightened, or to make someone feel this way  (The threat of legal action will be enough to put the wind up them.) 9 »IN YOUR STOMACH« BrE the condition of having air or gas in your stomach, or the air or gas itself; gas AmE  (I can't drink beer, it gives me wind.) 10 the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Interplanetary Physics Laboratory univ. abbr. Wednesday Is Networking Day network. abbr. Wind Ip Network Database religion abbr. Worship In A New Dimension religion abbr. Wintersburg Institute For Nurturing Disciples radio st. abbr. FM-88.3, Springfield, Missouri NASDAQ abbr. Wind River Systems, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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